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Bill E. Wright, Author

Meet Bill E.

I am a third generation native of Northern Colorado. My great grandparents homesteaded in the foothills west of Fort Collins in what is now Masonville, Colorado. I spent three decades teaching English, Creative Writing, and World Humanities at the high school level. I am  now retired and living in Fort Collins, Colorado. I'm married to Sally, my travel companion, my muse and my editor, and the love of my life. We have two grown children and three fabulous grandchildren. When I am not writing, I love to paint (primarily landscapes), play golf ( rather poorly but I love it), travel or go paddle-boarding (in the summer, of course). Most importantly, I love playing with my  grandchildren and learning from them.

While I was teaching, I didn't have time for my own writing; I was busy helping my students find and refine their voices as they wrote. Now, I have the time and I have written four books and one three-act play.  

Portrait of Bill Wright

Author's League
2nd Place

Katie Cooper

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This is a story of adventure and learning about connections and strong women in history.

Almost 12 year old Katie Cooper finds a mysterious jewelry box hidden in her grandmother’s attic. Inside the box, she finds a beautiful cameo necklace. Amazingly, the woman on the cameo speaks to Katie and reveals that the box is actually a time portal and that she will be Katie’s guide as she travels through time.

Katie discovers that she is following in the footsteps of her grandmother as a time traveler. She must learn the rules of a traveler as she visits the past and learns valuable lessons from some remarkable women.

Finding Harmony

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This is a first chapter book for young readers ages 6 to 10. But that doesn't mean adults won't enjoy the story as well. It tells the story of an orphan boy who discovers a new school where all of the other students, as well as the teachers, are animals.


It is a story of acceptance, friendship, and cooperation as Andrew Jackson Jefferson Jones finds his way in this strange new world he wishes to make his home.

The Ripple Effect of Libby Rose

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Libby Rose Baker travels from Los Angeles to Palmer Ridge, Nebraska to pick up a car her uncle is giving her as a graduation present. While there, she goes on a date with Bubba Watkins. When he attempts to rape her, Libby accidentally kills the boy while trying to defend herself. That one act becomes the catalyst that changes the lives of nine people. The impact stretches from Boston to Nebraska to Los Angeles.


Set in the late 1950s, this is a story of cover-ups and pay-offs. It is the story of the quest for power and of friendships made and lost. It is a story of life in the Golden Age of Hollywood and of a secret society exerting control throughout the country.

You Can and You Will

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This project came about because of a conversation with my daughter. We were both high school English teachers at the time and were discussing hero stories in literature. She then asked me who my heroes are today. One name immediately popped into my mind, Hal Kinard. I then went on to tell her stories of the man who was my junior high school coach and teacher and who is still my friend. She loved hearing the stories and encouraged me to write them down. Thus, this story was born.

I realized my stories probably mirrored those of every other young man or woman who had Coach Kinard as a teacher, a coach, or a coworker. So, I began asking people for their remembrances of him. Of all of the dozens of responses I received, not a single one had anything negative to say about Coach Kinard. In fact, all the responses echoed the idea that this man is truly a hero in our lives and his story is one that needs to be told.


Now, was not my intention to write a complete biography of Harold Kinard. Rather, I focused on the impact he has had on the city of Fort Collins and its residents for the past six decades. I shared the stories of all of the people who graciously shared them with me while weaving in some of the history of the city. I also shared Hal’s own thoughts and memories in an effort to provide the reader with a fuller picture of the man. In the end, it is my fervent hope that I did justice to his legacy and that you, the reader will come to understand why he stands out as a hero to myself and to so many others.

Michelangelo and Clarice

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This is a three-act play that I put into book form in order to allow a wider audience to read it. The play was performed in 2022 before an audience of about 100 people and received extremely positive reviews.

It is the story of the artist, Michelangelo and his illicit affair with Clarice De Medici, the wife of his patron.

The play is set in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance. To the students of history, I offer my apologies. I have played fast and loose with the facts and have bent time to suit my needs. I have used historical figures and reference their accomplishments. But, I have cast them as I imagine them to have been. This is, of course, a work of fiction and it is my sincere hope that you find it entertaining.

If you are a producer or an acting company who interested in producing this play, please contact me and I will gladly grant permission. I will also e-mail you a copy at no cost. My only requirement is that, when you perform the play, you let me know in advance so that I may attend.

My e-mail is

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